Guest Blog Posting

Guest Blog Posting

Yeah, I also accept guest posts on my website. As writers, we have different motives for guest posting;

  1. To express your thoughts and ideas on another website or blog
  2. To gain a whole new audience
  3. To make friendships with other bloggers in your niche, or other ones
  4. To get more experience in your road to blogging/writing

….and many others I have not thought of at the moment

Guest Posting on another blog or website is writing content for another website other than your own.

I would happily accept your guest post and publish it on my blog (crediting it with your name and a link to your website), but there are a few things I would like you to consider first:

  1. Your guest post must not include affiliate links.
  2. It must be in Microsoft Word Format.
  3. It must align with my niche.
  4. It must be something you want to write about
  5. It must not promote another brand or company.
  6. The post must be peculiar to my blog. I would not accept copied content or wrongly structured posts with bad grammar.
  7. Make sure to credit and quote when you need to in the post.
  8. There must not be more than two links in the post. Even with the links, it must have a relevant role.
  9. I recommend posts that have a word count of more than 400. It must cover all the necessary points related to the topic
  10. As far as I publish it on my blog, the post and its content belong to my blog. It must not be published elsewhere (without my permission)

If you plan on sending your guest post anytime soon, send me an email containing:

  1. The Guest Post
  2. The Subject titled ‘Guest Posting On Your Website.’
  3. A little introduction of who you are, what you do and why you would like to guest post. (Honesty Is The Best Policy!)
  4. A Photo or two clearly showing you, so I could have a visual image of you (but note that this is optional)
  5. A link to your site and a few of your social media profiles (less than four)

Send all this information to CharlesLCJnr at Gmail dot com (best you type this in)

Note: In exchange for your guest post, you get credit from it under the post on my blog. And also access to readers who would love it. 

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